
Wine, Vin, New gTLDs, more ICANN dysfunction, chaos, and confusion

Just read this sad tale about bad public policy, ICANN's new gTLDs, and the dysfunction, chaos, and confusion rampant at ICANN -- 

Letter from Linda Corugedo Steneberg to ICANN Board of Directors | ICANN: pdf of complete letter is here - excerpt:

" . . . the GAC was not aware until 26 March of this decision or its mistaken rationale. Had it been the case, the GAC could have corrected any misunderstandings and thus pre-empted the NGPC's resolution. The action that was approved by the NGPC on 22 March and communicated on 25 March is allegedly based on GAC consensus, whereas in reality a significant number of GAC members were in consensus not to allow the .WINE and .VIN applications to proceed through evaluation until sufficient additional safeguards were in place. There have been a series of process violations and procedural errors in arriving at this resolution. The Rationale specifically mis-states the GAC´s view, mixing a lack of GAC consensus on what safeguards should be in place with a quote from a letter which was sent to the ICANN Board without it being circulated to the GAC members prior to it being sent. Moreover a follow up letter from the European Commission which provides clarification on the above matter was not taken into account by the NGPC in its Rationale. As such, the European Union and its Member States, Norway and Switzerland request, in the interest of the bottom-up multistakeholder model and due respect to decision-making rules and ICANN By-laws, that the NGPC reconsiders its decision and takes into account the true opinion of the majority of the GAC members...."

Sounds like just more typical ICANN: inept, incompetent, dysfunctional.

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