Are you confused about all the complicated and overlapping institutions that claim to be working on Internet governance?
Are you unsure about how activists concerned with local censorship and surveillance fit into these global structures?
Are you wondering how the IGF, ICANN, IETF, the ITU, the CSTD, Netmundial are relevant to your collective engagements?
Internet Ungovernance Forum, September 4-5, Istanbul Bilgi University, Santral Campus:
Internet Ungovernance Forum: "This workshop is for activists that want to collectively develop strategies for action at the local or international level on the topics of surveillance, privacy, the securitization of the Internet and censorship. We expect activists from all disciplinary/non-disciplined backgrounds to join us. A commitment to collective action and curiosity about internet governance processes is a plus. We ask those interested in participating to send an email to ungovWorkshop@alternatifbilisim.org by 1st of September, 2014. Please include in the email a short biography and a list of topics you would like to see discussed at the workshop." (more information and registration at link above)
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