

ICANN Strategic Plan 2016-2020, Video with captions

ICANN Strategic Plan 2016-2020 (with captions) -

An animated look at ICANN's 5-year Strategic Plan 2016-2020 (published April 1, 2015), which sets forth five Strategic Objectives and sixteen Strategic Goals, each with Key Success Factors and Strategic Risks.

ICANN's Strategic Objectives:
1. Evolve and further globalize ICANN....
2. Support a healthy, stable, and resilient unique identifier ecosystem....
2.3 Support the evolution of domain name marketplace to be robust, stable and trusted.
- Credible and respected industry that is compliant with its responsibilities as demonstrated by open, transparent, and accountable systems, policies, and procedures implemented usingbest practices.
- High confidence in ICANN’s coordination of the domain name system.
Conflicting agendas of key players thwart cooperation and evolution of marketplace to serve the public interest.
Loss of confidence in ICANN’s coordination of the domain name marketplace.
3. Advance organizational, technological and operational excellence....
4. Promote ICANN’s role and multistakeholder approach....
4.2 Clarify the role of governments in ICANN and work with them to strengthen their commitment to supporting the global Internet ecosystem....
5. Develop and implement a global public interest framework bounded by ICANN’s mission.
5.1 Act as a steward of the public interest
- The ICANN community’s decision and policy-making structures and processes are driven by a clear understanding of the public interest, including a healthy unique identifier system and marketplace.
- The ‘L’ root server and related infrastructure is enhanced to continually improve the services provided for the public interest.
- Common use across the ICANN community of best practices that demonstrate commitment to the public interest.
- Streamlined reviews that demonstrate the effectiveness of best practices in support of the public interest.
- Inability to reach consensus on what constitutes “public interest”.
- Privacy concerns impact the ability to improve root services.
- ICANN community does not reach consensus on best practices related to the public interest.
- Perception that ICANN is driven by selected interests rather than the public interest.
- ICANN’s structures evolve in a manner that results in capture or perception of capture by groups of stakeholders.... (emphasis added)