

Startups, Venture Capital, Tech Markets, Unicorns, a16z Podcasts

"This time is different." But it's always different! So what's going on now in the public markets? Why does this even matter? For one thing, tech markets have grown significantly. And one big reason is internet and mobile. It's like a multiplier for the market size and opportunity.

UPDATEAndreessen Horowitz is a Silicon Valley based venture capital firm. Its domain name is ("a" is the first letter of firm name, "z" the ending letter of firm name, 16 characters in firm name between "a" and "z")--a 4 character dot COM. It is called a Numeronym and there are still millions of 4 and 5 character dot COM domain names available for reg fee of about $10.00 or less. In the age of Global + Mobile, expect to see more and more numeronym dot COM domain names used by established firms and startups--from Silicon Valley to China to India to Everywhere! And unlike the new gTLD domain names, dot COM domain names work as expected on the internet and do not break stuff!

In this episode of the a16z Podcast, Andreessen Horowitz managing partner Scott Kupor, mobile analyst Benedict Evans, and corp dev research partner Morgan Bender break down a slide deck we recently shared, including answers to what are these so-called “unicorns,” how it affects venture capital and the funding landscape, and how Andreessen Horowitz define a "quasi-IPO."

Taking the Pulse of VC and Tech | Andreessen Horowitz: "In this wide-ranging conversation about ‘stuff’ that took place at this year’s annual investor meeting (VCs have investors too, in the form of ‘limited partners’), Fortune’s Dan Primack interviews Marc Andreessen — and asks the tough questions. About VC and returns, founders and startups, ethical vetoes, Facebook, and more. Listen in on this edition of the a16z Podcast."

See also on Domain MondoStartups, Best Practices (slides); Ben Horowitz at Columbia video