• UPDATE: ISIS threatens Morocco--ICANN55 meets in early March at Marrakech, Morocco--see: ICANN 55, Marrakech, Morocco: Travel Warnings, Threat of Terrorist Acts
• Move over Donald Trump! ICANN CEO Fadi Chehadé shows he too has perfected the "art of self-promotion" albeit on 'ICANN's dime'--UPDATE: Fadi "bags" another one, on ICANN's dime, to add to his "Portfolio" -- What To Do With ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade? -- Should ICANN President & CEO Fadi Chehade Be Fired?
• UPDATE: How ICANN Lost Its IANA Trademarks and IANA dot ORG Domain Name --
Questions: Will IETF or IETF Trust, or subsidiary, eventually run IANA, and assess each TLD an annual fee plus transactional fee per change to the Root Zone file? Could ICANN be abolished?
• UPDATE: Google Alphabet A Signal To Sell OR Short $GOOG and $GOOGL shares? see: The Crown Hangs Heavy At Alphabet - Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) | Seeking Alpha: "Google is still highly profitable, and search continues to grow, but costs are rising, and not just in court. Google now has 1,000 people working at just stopping "bad" ads - phishing scams, counterfeit goods, etc. - off its sites. The so-called "right to be forgotten," created by European courts, requires more employees to administer, and the company's antitrust fight there has cost it an estimated $6 billion, so far. Europeans are desperate to create "their own Google," as Russia has with Yandex (NASDAQ:YNDX) and China has with Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU), giving them the leverage to threaten it with virtual expulsion if it continues to defy their desires. What all this says is we've reached "peak Google."... " see also Google squirms as Oracle blurts out Android profits | ZDNet and Don’t fob us off with this pitiful Google tax gesture | Margaret Hodge | Opinion | The Guardian
Also note:
Earnings calendar (Q4/2015) - Earnings conference calls this week:
Apple $AAPL Jan 26 5pm ETFacebook $FB Jan 27 5pm ET
Alibaba Group $BABA Jan 28 Pre Market
Amazon $AMZN Jan 28 5pm
And see Starbucks' (SBUX) CEO Howard Schultz on Q1 2016 Results - Earnings Call Transcript | Seeking Alpha: "... I think we said three years ago publicly that we began to envision that there would be a seismic change in consumer behavior and that seismic change was due in large part to eCommerce and smartphone shopping. I think today in the headlines you've seen just in the last three weeks store closures of almost 50 Macy's stores, 150 Walmart stores. You've got to ask yourself what's going to happen to the future of many of those malls that are anchored by those big-box retailers..."
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