- Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA): A rising Dow lifts all boats higher around the world's exchanges as Australian stocks (ASX) make big gains | CityAM.com
- The Trump effect pushes the Dow above 19,000 in New York | CityAM.com
Sean Spicer, the Republican National Committee’s communications director, said on Monday morning’s transition update call that President-elect Trump may leave for Florida on Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning, and intends to spend Thanksgiving at his Mar-a-Lago Club (domain: maralagoclub.com) in Palm Beach, Florida, with his family.
Palm Beach security zones for President-elect Trump & family |
Palm Beach security zone restrictions:
- Zone (1): This zone is always in effect. No vessels or person will be permitted to enter this zone consisting of the waters of the Lake Worth Lagoon from the southern tip of the Everglades Island in the north to approximately 1,000 yards from the south of the Southern Boulevard Bridge on the south and eastern shore line west of Fisherman Island.
- Zone (2): This zone is always in effect. All vessels transiting the second zone shall maintain a steady speed and shall not slow or stop from waters of the Lake Worth Lagoon including the Intracoastal Waterway from the southern tip of the Everglades Island in the north to approximately 1000 yards from the south of the bridge on the south and from the western shore line to the western edge of the Fisherman Island in the east.
- Zone (3): This zone is always in effect. All vessels transiting the third zone shall maintain a steady speed and shall not slow or stop from waters of the Atlantic Ocean from the Banyan Road in the north to Ocean View Road in the south and from shore to approximately 1000 yards east of the shoreline.
- Vessels seeking authorization to transit the security zones must contact the Coast Guard via marine-band radio via VHF-FM channel 16.
- Violation of a security zone may result in a civil penalty in excess of $88,000, a criminal penalty up to $10,000, and/or imprisonment up to 12 years.
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