1. Feature: ICANN57 Hyderabad, India, the Elephant in the Room; 2. Other matters at ICANN57 (the GAC Communique); 3. CENTR Report on ICANN57; 4. Trump and ICANN, what's the connection? 5. Most popular posts.1. Feature • ICANN57 Hyderabad, India: the Elephant in the Room
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Banksy art exhibit "Barely Legal" in Los Angeles, 16 September 2006. By Bit Boy - Flickr: The Elephant in the Room, CC BY 2.0 |
The dispute over new gTLD .WEB was the elephant in the room at ICANN57, though it was not on the agenda. Afilias, a losing applicant for .WEB in the ICANN last resort auction, raised the issue with the ICANN Board in Public Forum 1 on Saturday, November 5th, when Afilias Executive Chairman, Jonathan Robinson, spoke and reiterated his blog post in CircleID (see below). Later, at the Public Forum 2 on Tuesday, November 8th, a rebuttal was presented by Verisign's Pat Kane (starts at 51:55 in the video above) and later Verisign's Keith Drazek (starts at 1:41:00) who directed the Board to a responsive post on CircleID.com (see below), and then Afilias's Jonathan Robinson addressed the Board again (starts at 1:44:30). Articles published at CircleID.com:
- .WEB is ICANN's First Test of Accountability by Jonathan Robinson (Afilias)
- Afilias' Cynical Attempt to Secure a Windfall at Community Expense co-authored by Paul Livesay, Verisign, and Jose Ignacio Rasco, Nu Dot Co, LLC (applicant for .WEB)
2. Other matters at ICANN57 that were on the agenda and discussed:
#ICANN57 GAC, China: welcomes #IANAsteward transition. Welcome establishment of cyberspace with peace, security, openness & cooperation.— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 4, 2016
#ICANN57 GAC Chair: the 5 GAC liaisons to CCWG-Accountability WS1 will continue as liaisons to WS2:— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 4, 2016
#ICANN57 GAC/@ICANN_GNSO: GAC Chair reaffirms that GAC members really, really want GAC to participate in GNSO PDPs. The “how” is a challenge— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 4, 2016
#ICANN57 GAC/@ccNSO, Iran: it’s very important that @ICANN_GNSO, ccNSO & GAC work together on issue of country/territory names in TLDs.— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 6, 2016
#ICANN57 GAC, CCT Review Team: consumers feel half as comfortable giving their sensitive info to a #newgTLD as to a legacy TLD.— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 6, 2016
#ICANN57 DNS & Content Regulation, @RobinGross: Chilling Effects website demonstrates how many kinds of bogus claims are made against sites.— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 6, 2016
#ICANN57 GAC: GAC members agree that GAC Chair will continue to represent GAC in #ICANN Empowered Community until end of #ICANN59.— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 7, 2016
#ICANN57 GAC/Board, @ahemrajani: agrees w France that there needs to be more diverse participation in CCWG-Accountability Workstream 2.— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 7, 2016
#ICANN57 @mneylon: barely any demand 4 #newgTLD in developed countries. So why expect developing countries w more pressing problems 2 care?— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 7, 2016
#ICANN57 Public Forum @Jvzuck: #ICANN needs to get into the data business. Get a data scientist & collect data for use in supporting PDPs.— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 8, 2016
#ICANN57 GAC Communique: discussing how to refer to .WEB auction concerns mentioned briefly (but not discussed at length) this week.— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 8, 2016
#ICANN57 GAC Communique: 2-letter CCs. GAC feels Board hasn’t followed correct procedure (didn’t respond 2 Helsinki advice b4 resolution)— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 8, 2016
• GAC Communique (pdf) embedded below, highlighting added:#ICANN57 GAC funding shortfall for 2017. If donors for the missing funds can’t be found, GAC Secretariat activities will need to be reduced pic.twitter.com/ryrAYHKVFP— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) November 9, 2016
3. CENTR publishes its Report on ICANN57 (pdf) (embed below) highlights include:
- Extended Process Similarity Review Panel (EPSRP) Working Group update
- Country/territory names and codes
- PDPs on the retirement of ccTLDs and the review mechanisms for decisions on the delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of ccTLDs
- Content Control and DNS
- Auction Proceeds working group
- New gTLDs: Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (CCT-RT)
- Mitigation of Abuse in gTLDs
- Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)
- New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
4. Trump and ICANN, what's the connection? Apart from supporting Ted Cruz's effort to derail the IANA transition, Donald Trump or the Trump Organization reportedly owns in excess of 3000 domain names, more info here and here. In addition, see also From Steaks to Fragrances, the Donald’s Trademarks Trump Them All - Law Blog | WSJ.com: Trump's 300+ trademarks.
5. Most popular posts this past week (# of pageviews Sun-Sat) on DomainMondo.com:
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- Trump Win Shocks Political & Media Establishment, Tech & Market Reaction
-- John Poole, Editor, Domain Mondo
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