MacroView Feature • Ignore the MSM noise, fake news, and click bait; take off your NYTimes-WaPo goggles, and take another look: with just 3 weeks under their belt, Trump Team USA is clearly winning despite some "rookie mistakes"--
• Majority in US Now Optimistic About Job Market | "For the first time since Gallup began tracking the question in 2001, a majority of Americans (54%) say it is a "good time" to find a quality job."
• Daily Presidential Tracking Poll | Friday, February 10, 2017: The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.
• Trump will get all of his Cabinet picks confirmed despite the dysfunction, obstruction, and delay tactics of "loser" Democrats on Capitol Hill.
• Wall Street hits records again, boosted by Trump economy hopes |
• Despite manifold predictions and chatter among Trump's critics and doomsayers inside the beltway and the coastal bubbles, this new administration hasn't come close to the disasters of other new first term Presidents. Want some facts? John F. Kennedy took office on January 20, 1961. Only 74 days after taking office, President Kennedy approved, on April 4, 1961, the CIA's disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion plan. The resulting damage to U.S. prestige globally, and foreign relations with Cuba and beyond, has now lasted for generations, but MSM doesn't want you to remember that. Journalist Glenn Greenwald nails it including the current MSM mindset:
• Chaos and confusion in the EU as "kicking the can" and "extend and pretend" nears the end, and Poland and other nations demand an overhaul of the European Union.
British House of Commons gives green light to Brexit process:
Video above published by Feb 9, 2017.
Brexit's impact on U.K. banks?
Diamond on Brexit: "The challenge is more for Europe than it is for the UK." Video above published Feb 10, 2017, by Atlas Merchant Capital CEO and former Barclays CEO Bob Diamond on Brexit, European banking, Atlas Merchant's strategy and the shift of regional banks to a more local focus rather than a global focus.
Who's Afraid of Brexit? According to a PwC study, the UK's economy is set to grow faster than any other major advanced economy up until 2050, even if the UK takes a significant financial hit as a result of its exit from the European Union:

source: Statista
Trump and the ‘One China’ policy
US President Donald Trump has told Chinese president Xi Jinping that he will respect the “One China” policy, in his first conversation with the Chinese leader since entering the Oval Office. The move is expected to ease tensions between the two powers. Video above published by Feb 10, 2017.
• It's Not Just Trump Derangement Syndrome affecting Coastal Bubble Elites and MSM: Some investors [and news media] really are this stupid | "The Super Bowl Indicator is, of course, complete and utter nonsense. But that still hasn’t stopped at least half a dozen semi-respectable media outlets in the United States discussing its significance over the last few days."
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The Trump Rally extends its run: DJIA and S&P 500 Index (source: |
The number of people who instantly believe every anonymous evidence-free claim from Intel community & treat it as Fact is genuinely alarming— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) February 12, 2017
• Dear Europe re: NATO--Trump says US taxpayers no longer willing to be EU's paying patsy--NATO's target for all of NATO's 28 member states is that defense spending equal 2 per cent of each member state's economic output. At present, only the US, UK, Estonia, Poland and Greece meet the target (even NATO member Canada falls short!). One accounting shows Germany should spend $30 billion more each year, Italy $18 billion, Spain $16 billion, and France $6 billion. One problem: increases in defense spending for many EU nations would put them in violation of EU budgetary rules, which means EU members may have to re-allocate their spending to meet NATO's target, perhaps cutting their contributions to the EU budget?--more at portion of US "news": 1) IC anonymously dumps what it wants to public; 2) media outlets oblige, get clicks; 3) believe what feels good— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) February 10, 2017
• Chaos and confusion in the EU as "kicking the can" and "extend and pretend" nears the end, and Poland and other nations demand an overhaul of the European Union.
- Italy’s Banking Crisis Is Even Worse Than We Thought | "The country’s Five Star Movement is gaining momentum both in the polls and in its efforts to call for a referendum on euro membership."
- Global Shipping Meltdown Mauls German Banks, Retail Investors, Taxpayers | Germany holds 25% of global shipping loans as industry collapses.
British House of Commons gives green light to Brexit process:
Video above published by Feb 9, 2017.
Brexit's impact on U.K. banks?
Diamond on Brexit: "The challenge is more for Europe than it is for the UK." Video above published Feb 10, 2017, by Atlas Merchant Capital CEO and former Barclays CEO Bob Diamond on Brexit, European banking, Atlas Merchant's strategy and the shift of regional banks to a more local focus rather than a global focus.
Who's Afraid of Brexit? According to a PwC study, the UK's economy is set to grow faster than any other major advanced economy up until 2050, even if the UK takes a significant financial hit as a result of its exit from the European Union:

source: Statista
Trump and the ‘One China’ policy
US President Donald Trump has told Chinese president Xi Jinping that he will respect the “One China” policy, in his first conversation with the Chinese leader since entering the Oval Office. The move is expected to ease tensions between the two powers. Video above published by Feb 10, 2017.
• It's Not Just Trump Derangement Syndrome affecting Coastal Bubble Elites and MSM: Some investors [and news media] really are this stupid | "The Super Bowl Indicator is, of course, complete and utter nonsense. But that still hasn’t stopped at least half a dozen semi-respectable media outlets in the United States discussing its significance over the last few days."
One More Thing:
"If man is not to do more harm than good in his efforts to improve the social order, he will have to learn that in this, as in all other fields where essential complexity of an organized kind prevails, he cannot acquire the full knowledge which would make mastery of the events possible. He will therefore have to use what knowledge he can achieve, not to shape the results as the craftsman shapes his handiwork, but rather to cultivate a growth by providing the appropriate environment, in the manner in which the gardener does this for his plants.”--Friedrich von Hayek, Nobel Prize Lecture 1974
-- John Poole, Editor, Domain Mondo
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