
American Technology Council Roundtable & Broadband Hearing (video)

President Trump Participates in the American Technology Council Roundtable June 19, 2017:

Video above published Jun 19, 2017, by WhiteHouse.gov. See Presidential Executive Order on the Establishment of the American Technology Council.  See also: White House wants to create new surge of tech startups | FoxBusiness.com: “We will foster a new set of startups focused on [government] tech and be the new global leader in the field, making government more transparent and responsive to citizens’ needs,” said Kushner, who serves as senior advisor to the president and leads the Office of American Innovation.

Defining and Mapping Broadband Coverage in America

U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee | Communications and Technology Subcommittee Hearing Wednesday, June 21, 2017, at 10:00am EDT on “Defining and Mapping Broadband Coverage in America.”  For background: https://www.broadbandmap.gov/technology


Mr. Doug Brake
Senior Telecommunications Policy Analyst, Information Technology & Innovation Foundation
Witness Statement  and  Truth in Testimony and CV

Mr. Bryan Darr
CEO, Mosaik

Mr. Brent Legg
Vice President of Government Affairs, Connected Nation
Witness Statement  and  Truth in Testimony and CV

Ms. Carol Mattey
Principal, Mattey Consulting LLC
Witness Statement  and  Truth in Testimony and CV

Dr. Robert Wack
President, Westminster City Council, Westminster, MD
Witness Statement  and  Truth in Testimony and CV

Documents: Hearing Notice  and  Background Memo

Related Content:
#SubCommTech to Examine Challenges and Opportunities to Achieve Nationwide Broadband Coverage  Jun 14, 2017 Press Release

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