UPDATE: The Great Facebook GDPR Debacle
I [Mark Zuckerberg] also want to talk about
GDPR was an important moment for our industry. We did see a
decline in monthly actives in Europe, down by about 1 million people as a result ...
MAU and DAU in Europe were both down slightly quarter-over-quarter due to the GDPR roll out ... [
Analyst question]
"do you have a read into whether things have based out and started to improve again post GDPR implementation?" Answer: David M. Wehner, Facebook CFO: On
Europe, yeah,
we don't have any update on trends. We had indicated in the first quarter that we would expect to see
a decline. We're
not providing any guidance on MAU and DAU in Europe on this call ... When you look at the deceleration, the one that I called out was really Europe where you saw the currency impact as well ...
GDPR causing sort of faster deceleration than in the other regions ...
Facebook DAU [Daily Active Users].
U.S. and Canada, sort of consistent with past quarters, has been
flat at about 185 million ...
Europe, we saw the
declines that we anticipated from
GDPR. And I would say there, really, those impacts were
purely due to the GDPR impact, not other engagement trends--
Facebook (FB) Q2 2018 Results - Earnings Call Transcript | SeekingAlpha.com (emphasis and link added).

Facebook, Inc.
Principal domain: facebook.com
Investor relations: investor.fb.com